вопрос знатокам.

Discussion in 'Профессиональные вопросы' started by Wild, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. John

    John Модератор

    Сценарии тревог


    -Call Master to bridge.
    -Engage emergency steering.
    -Inform Engine room, prepare engines for Manoeuvring.
    -Note vessels time and position.
    -Post extra Lookouts/Switch on both the RADARS.
    -Exhibit NUC Lights/Signals and appropriate sound signals.
    -Check for other vessels and/or navigational hazards in the vicinity.
    -Broadcast Urgency message to ships in vicinity if appropriate.
    -Manoeuvre the vessel to an open area, away from danger.
    -Prepare for Anchoring if in shallow waters.
    -Take all way off the ship.(Stop the vessel)
    -Asses the sea swell, winds and currents, determine the set and drift of vessel.
    -Modify AIS status message to communicate relevant Information.
    -Inform VTS or port authority if in controlled or similarly monitored waters.
    -Monitor vessels position continuously.
    -Inform office/DPA
    -Establish if repairs possible by vessel’s staff and time required for repairs.
    -Repair fault and proceed on passage.
    -Enter continuously all action taken in the vessel’s logbook.
    -Towage resource avail & time to reach Vessel.
    -Prepare for Towing Operation.
    -Periodically update Office with status.


    -Release Lifebuoy with light and smoke signal (MOB Marker on the side the crew member has fallen overboard. – If possible release from both sides – makes it easier to find the location
    -Engage in hand steering, give helm hard over to the side man has fallen overboard so as to keep the propeller away from the man who fell overboard
    -Activate GPS man overboard Marker, tracking note ships position, wind speed and direction and time.
    Simultaneously Inform Master, if not already on bridge. Sound General Emergency Alarm on Ship’s alarm System.
    -Sound three prolonged blasts on the ships whistle and repeat as necessary.
    -Post extra look outs with Binoculars and instructions to maintain a continuous watch on the man overboard.
    -Inform engine room, get engines ready for Manoeuvring.
    -Broadcast URGENCY message to all vessels in vicinity, and share authorities if
    search is required.
    -Inform local VTIS if in coastal area.
    -Commence a recovery Manoeuvre such as Williamsons turn.
    -Hoist signal flag “O “.
    -Consider alternate means of MOB recovery if risk of launching rescue boat is too high.
    -Muster rescue boat crew and prepare the rescue boat.
    -Lower rescue boats, manoeuvre same in water, rescue man in water re-hook, hoist & secure the rescue boat.
    -Rig pilot ladders/nets to assist MOB recovery.
    -Medical party stand by with towels, blankets and stretcher.
    -Render First Aid. Treat for Shock/Injury.
    -Preserve VDR or S-VDR records if not automatically protected.
    -Inform office/DPA (Send Initial Notification).
    -Enter continuously a log of all events in the ships Log Book.
    -Assume the roll of on-scene coordinator, if necessary and execute recovery of MOB.


    In Case of Serious Illness:

    -Isolate the persons affected if a contagious disease is suspected
    -Note Symptoms, record same, try n diagnose illness
    -Seek for Radio Medical Advice or medical advice from Company Doctor through office.
    -Administer medical treatment as per Radio Medical Advice.
    -Consider proceeding to nearest Port of refuge for further Medical assistance.
    -In case of suspected death, consider body preservation.
    -Keep informing office of developments.
    -Inform agents to arrange for Hospitalization on arrival.
    -Maintain a record of all events in ships Log Book.

    In Case of Serious Injury:

    -Administer First Aid at site and shift to Ship’s hospital.
    -If Vessels at sea, seek for Radio Medical Advice or Medical advice from Company Doctor through the Office. (If in Port, evacuate ashore for hospital.
    -Inform Office (Send Initial Notification)
    -Administer medical treatment as per Radio Medical Advice required.
    -Consider proceeding to nearest Port of refuse for further Medical assistance.
    -Prepare for Medival if required.
    -Keep informing office of developments.
    -Inform agents to arrange for Hospitalization on arrival.
    -Maintain a record of all events in ships Log Book.

    In Case of Death:

    -In Case of suspected death Verify Symptoms as per Ship’s Medical Guide in the presence of contact Radio Medical Advice / Company Doctor through Office.
    -Make Log book entries.
    -Inform Office (Who will inform P&I, Man Agents, Next of ; Shipping Masters where applicable)
    -On the basis of Office Advice, preserve body and arrange for Sea burial or transfer ashore to Hospital facilities.
    -Maintain all relevant records such as Log book entries, Death certificate, Account of wages, Inventory of belongings, Documents.
    -In Case of Accidental Death, additionally conduct an investigation, preserve
    evidences, and establish root cause & intimate Office with the Accident Report.


    Oil Pollution due to Tank Overflow, Pipe Leak, Hose Rupture, or Connection

    -Sound the Emergency Alarm
    -Call Master
    -Stop all cargo and/or bunkering, transferring and ballasting operations.
    -Close manifold valves.
    -Notify shore terminal/harbor master or barge.
    -Verify that all are scuppers plugged.
    -Activate the Oil Pollution Prevention Team.
    -Contain spill on deck.
    -Inform office/ DPA (Send Initial Notification)
    -Refer to the SOPEP / VRP (US waters) Manual and inform concerned parties as required.
    -Refer to the SOPEP Manual for guidance regarding containment procedures.
    -In case of tank Overflow, reduce oil level in relevant tank by dropping oil into an empty or slack tank
    -Asses fire and toxic (liquid / gas / vapour) release risk, take precautions to
    -Determine extent of leakage and potential for greater pollution.
    -Commence clean up procedures using absorbents and permitted solvents.
    -Use portable pumps to transfer spilt oil to an empty or slack tank.
    -Stow residues from clean up carefully prior to disposal.
    -Reassess situation including cause, and take corrective action.
    -Maintain a record of all events in the ships Log book.
    -Send final notification to all parties upon closure.

    Oil Pollution due to Hull Leakage

    -Sound the Emergency Alarm
    -Call Master
    -Inform Engine room.
    -Activate the Oil Pollution Prevention Team.
    -Inform office/ DPA ( Send Initial Notification )
    -Refer to the SOPEP / VRP (US waters) Manual and inform concerned parties as required.
    -Refer to the SOPEP Manual for guidance regarding containment procedures.
    -Reduce oil level in relevant tank by dropping oil into an empty or slack tank
    -Reduce inert gas pressure to zero. (if applicable)
    -Asses fire and toxic (liquid / gas / vapour) release risk, take precautions to
    -Determine extent of leakage and potential for greater pollution.
    -Deploy Oil booms to contain the spread of oil spill.
    -Calculate stresses and stability and request shore assistance for this.
    -Transfer cargo or bunkers to alleviate high stresses.
    -Co-operate with Clean-up contractors and / or Local Authorities to minimize further damage to the environment.
    -Repair tank in co-operation with coastal state, Class society
    -Maintain a record of all events in the ships Log book.
    -Keep informing Shore office Report Team; send final notification to all parties upon closure.
  2. evergreenmk

    evergreenmk Участник

    Специфика работы в США,Канаде,Карибском бассейне

    Ув. моряки,кто работал в этих районах - поделитесь впечатлением
    какие плюсы и какие минусы?
  3. SalagaUA

    SalagaUA Новичок

    Для диплома

    Ребята, подскажите, может есть у кого пантокарены и кривые плеч для VLCC
    300 тыс., или балкера, OBO, с таким же дедвейтом? Нужно срочно.
  4. offshore_GAS

    offshore_GAS Зарегистрированный участник

    Нужна помощь!Проблема с ВРШ фирмы "KaMeWa"

    Нужна помощь!Проблема с ВРШ фирмы "KaMeWa"
    1) Задавлено на передний ход!
    2) Давление 50 кг.
    3) Не отрабатывает на ноль!
    В чем может быть причина?На что обратить внимание?Может кто сталкивался с данной проблемой?
    Буду благодарен за любой совет.
    За ранее СПАСИБО.

    Attached Files:

  5. DraftMaster

    DraftMaster Новичок

    Отказ сюрвейера от выполнения драфта.

    Кто сталкивался с подобными случаями, прошу поделиться подробностями. Чем сюрвейер мотивировал отказ?
    Интересуют также любые другие случаи непонятных действий сюрвейера.
  6. Chemical protective suit

    Подскажите please, где есть про него информация?
    Т.е. требования к состоянию, минимальное количество на параходе и прочее. Смотрел в SOLAS и IMDG, что то пока что печально. И гугл молчит.
  7. Evgenus

    Evgenus Участник

    Navi Sailor 3000 Вопросы и ответы :)

    Может кто знает пароль на картографии чтоб снять раздражающие звуки аларма что стоят по умолчанию? заранее спасибо
  8. Sorry za English,pishu s sudovogo kompa. Na Navy sailor 4000 parol "transas".Skoree vsego i v 3000 tak zhe.
  9. Mimi Siku

    Mimi Siku Зарегистрированный участник

    Вопрос про танкера....


    Господа моряки, подскажите плз. такую информацию:

    какое давление, ориентировочно, возникает в грузовом патрубке танкера при погрузке, или иначе, какое гидравлическое сопротивление приемной магистрали или трубопроводов танкера - от манифолда до выхода в танк (максимальное).

    :sm: может вопрос и глупый, но я от моря далек... информация нужна примерная, или какой-нить источник где посмотреть, необходимо для расчета напора насосов на береговой нефтебазе.

    Заранее спасибо.
  10. Серега1985

    Серега1985 Moderator

    Там все зависит от типа танкера, оно может колебаться в достаточно больших пределах. На напорных гаховозах, к примеру, оно может доходить до 15 бар, но тебе эта инфа как бы не по делу, сам понимаю. Ищи в сети учебник по танкерам!
  11. navy

    navy Участник

    ГМССБ помогите найти

    Парни, помогите найте TGS 4100. Или может есть у кого? Это как спасательный круг при сдаче ГМССБ.
  12. Evgenus

    Evgenus Участник

    все спасибо, просто ремонтники в Херсоне установили свой пароль, поэтому и не могли войти в настройки
  13. Rostransport

    Rostransport Гость

    Береговое и морское пространственное планирование на Балтике

    Б.П. Усанов,
    профессор СПб ГАСУ, сов. предс. Комитета по ТТП прав-ва СПб, заслуженный строитель России

    Экспертная рабочая группа петербургских специалистов, созданная 8 апреля 2009 г. Комитетом по транспорту ассоциации «Северо-Запад», в 2009–2010 гг. разработала предложения по составу раздела «Деятельность на море» проекта Федеральной целевой программы «Оздоровление экологической обстановки в бассейне Балтийского моря на период до 2020 г.». В разделе рассматриваются проблемы безопасности мореплавания, обеспечения чистоты акватории, мониторинга акватории и береговых зон, различные аспекты портовой деятельности.

    Предложения были представлены в марте 2010 г. на XI Международном экологическом форуме «День Балтийского моря», одобрены участниками круглого стола «На пути к более чистому и более безопасному Балтийскому морю».

    Запланированы четыре комплексных проекта:
    - «Исключение случаев нелегального сброса загрязнений всех видов с судов и морских нефтяных платформ, включая модернизацию системы обращения с зараженными грунтами, возникающими при проведении гидротехнических работ в портах, на судоходных трассах и в береговой зоне, и модернизацию системы управления судовыми балластными водами и осадками»;

    - «Российский морской и речной транспорт в бассейне Балтийского моря, эксплуатируемый без аварий, приводящих к загрязнению окружающей среды»;
    - «Обеспечение достаточности средств реагирования в аварийных ситуациях, включая проблемы технического оснащения, авиакосмического мониторинга и создания международных центров обучения и тренировок кадров»;
    - «Учет принципов пространственного планирования, „средового подхода“, устойчивого развития и экологической безопасности при проектировании новых, реконструкции и расширении существующих портовых комплексов и других объектов в береговой зоне российского сектора Балтийского моря».

    Полный проект четвертого раздела программы, направленной непосредственно на внедрение принципов берегового и морского пространственного планирования (БМПП) в регионе Балтийского моря (за исключением финансовых показателей) опубликован в журнале «Транспорт Российской Федерации» 2(39)/2012. Однако в состав федеральной программы он не был включен, хотя представляет интерес не только с исторической точки зрения. Возвращение к обсуждению проекта, а также учет имеющегося в нашей стране многолетнего опыта территориального планирования могли бы способствовать успешной работе не только российских организаций по направлению БМПП.

    Журнал "Транспорт Российской Федерации"

    Транспорт Российской Федерации :: Блоги:: Портал для специалистов транспортной отрасли
  14. seaman1975

    seaman1975 Новичок

    Sky mate pro как пользоваться?!

    Доброго дня коллеги, кто сталкивался с Sky mate pro ? Подскажите как пользоваться , я имею ввиду определение места судна , а то сам не могу разобраться что вводить и где :pardon:
  15. Георгий71

    Георгий71 Зарегистрированный участник

    1) помогите ответить!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Before you drop the anchor how will you know that the vessel is stopped?
    a) Drop an empty plastic bottle in the water. If the relative movement of the bottle is the same as the vessels; then the ship is stopped and can drop the anchor.
    b) Reverse the engine until the wake of the water reaches the middle of the ship. Then it is safe to assume ship is stopped
    c) Check the Doppler effect speedometer. If is zero then ship is topped.
    d) All the above
    e) No. b & c

    2. You mark the anchor’s position:
    a) Taking the GPS reading at the time of dropping the anchor.
    b) Taking the GPS reading and adjust for the length of the vessel using hundreds of a degree.
    c) Taking the GPS reading and adjust for the length of the vessel and the heading at that time using hundreds of degrees.
    d) Using an anchor marking buoy and coordinates as per #3.

    3. If the only anchoring position is deeper than 30 mtrs how you let go the anchor.
    a) By releasing the brake.
    b) By lowering the anchor to the sea level disengage and releasing the brake.
    c) By lowering the anchor about a shackle on deck, disengage and let go keeping control of the speed by the brake.
    d) By lowering the anchor engaged all the way using the winch. By this I will ensure that the brake pads will not be damaged and I will have a firm control to the chain length paid out.

    4. When you open the hatch covers how many people is the optimum required.
    a) Just an AB for each one. The system is hydraulic.
    b) The AB and the Officer on watch.
    c) Two AB and the OOW
    d) All deck department.

    5. Vessel is heading to berth with no tugboats attached yet. During entrance to the port losses electrical power. There in much room ahead to maneuver. Mark correct actions to be taken.
    a) Call the engineers and ask to give steering and power immediately.
    b) Drop both anchors one shackle in the water and engage the brakes.
    c) Ask for the tug boats to proceed swiftly on port tariff towing arrangements.
    d) All of the above

    6. The 2/O entered into a partly loaded hold and the AB on watch observed him to make a few movements on the tanktop and fall down apparently unconscious. The AB calls the Master who comes very quickly. What is the proper action to save the 2/O life when every second counts to save his life.
    a) The Master with the AB. Rushes down the ladder to offer first aid.
    b) The Master asks the 2nd mate to bring the oxygen analyzer and check the environment inside the hold. Then asks to start ventilation and bring two SCBA and the fire brigade with small hospital O2 bottle and offer the first aid.
    c) The Master sends two Abs with a Robinson’s Stretcher to bring the 2/O up stairs to provide first aid in the open where there is plenty of space.

    7. A priest from the Mission to Seamen local chapel comes at the gangway and asks to see the Master. Mark the correct action for the gangway watchmen to do.
    a) Shows his way up.
    b) Records his name and shows his way up
    c) Records his name and carried out a full body search.
    d) Records his name gives him a security badge, calls the Master on the Radio to let him know he is coming up.
    e) Records his name and escorts him upstairs to the master.

    8. The weather is calm and a beautiful day. The Ship-owner will visit the vessel at the next port and the Master wants to keep him happy presenting him a good vessel. There some mechanical scratches on the black topsides and the Master order the crew to work outboard. Precautions to be taken.
    a) Wear safety harness
    b) Wear safety harness with buoyancy garments.
    c) As above but also to include a warning label that crew is working outboard position at the rails and in the bridge.
    d) Nothing of the above crew cannot work outboard at sea.

    9. You are at port of Bristol UK and MSA comes onboard for PSC. The inspection officer does not like the condition of the open lifeboat which is dirty with cargo remains. He goes on top and with a pocket knife starts digging in what he believes is a GRP blister. The escorting ship’s officer does the following.
    a) Say nothing but observes with fright that damage will be discovered and vessel will be detained.
    b) Ask him not to damage the lifeboat.
    c) Leaves and calls the Master.
    d) Takes his camera and record a video of the officer’s destructive testing. Tell the officer that this is for training and educational purposes.
    e) No b & #d.

    10. The port state control finds some valves of the dewatering system in the forecastle frozen. They detain the vessel and ask to make operational in order to release the vessel which is due to sail in a few hours. The valves are badly frozen and the only way to unfreeze is by torch. What actions should be taken?
    a) Get permission for hot work from the port authority and start heating.
    b) Get good ventilation, the necessary tools and with the fire extinguishers stand by start heating the valves.
    c) Check and remove the flammable materials from the area. Check behind bulkheads if there are any flammable materials then proceed as per a & d.
    d) As above but have the fire main under pressure and a hose running nearby with the fire brigade team stand by.

    11. Vessel is in the International corridor at the Gulf of Aden. It is a beautiful day and calm seas. The officer on watch sees a fishing boat at a distance approaching the vessel. What actions are the most appropriate?
    a) He transmits a PAN PAN DSC over the VHF channel 70.
    b) He transmits a Securite message then calls the Master.
    c) He check the surrounding are which is clear of other vessels. Turns the vessel away from the approaching boat. Flashes a mirror to the boat indicating that the are noticed. Starts the fire pump. Blows the ships whistle continuously.
    d) He calls the Master/SSO.
    e) Nothing of the above but keeps the course but observes the boat approaching fast.

    12. The engine cadet discovers a moderate fire burning in the poop deck store. The lights are open and there are mooring lines that burning but nearby there is an open can of grease. What action are the most appropriate.
    a) Run to the nearest fire alarm raise the alarm and take the nearest fire extinguisher and tries to extinguish the fire.
    b) Raise the fire alarm and close all door and ventilation to the store then go to the mustering station waiting for instructions.
    c) Take the water fire extinguisher and tries to extinguish the fire.
    d) Shouts out loud (Fire Fire) and take a foam extinguisher and tries to extinguish the fire.
    e) Shouts out loud (Fire - Fire in the poop deck) and obtains a dry powder fire extinguisher.

    13. When you ventilate a hold loaded with steel products.
    a) All the time since they will not catch mold like the grains.
    b) During a sunny day.
    c) When the dew point inside the holds is higher than the dew point out side.
    d) When the dew point inside is lower than the dew point outside the holds.
    e) When I see sweat inside the holds.

    14. Which of the below is the optimum surface preparation and paint coating.
    a) Hand chipping and scraping the surrounding area then paint one primer and two coats of paint.
    b) Hand chipping and scraping smooth the surrounding area, wire brushing as good it can be done and paint 2 coats of primer and three coats of paint, leaving one day between coats to dry.
    c) Power air hammer chiseling, then use an angular abrasive wheel to clean the area to mirror shine metal. Apply immediately one coat of primer, when it dries second coat of prime, when it dries first coat of paint then two more coats of paint one day apart
    d) Use water blaster, leave it for one day to dry then use three coats of paint one day apart.

    15. Good morning mate says the stranger just boarding the vessel at the port of Acajutla. I came on board to carry out bunkers and condition survey on behalf of the charterers. What actions are the most appropriate to take.
    a) Take him to the C/E and let them carry out a bunker survey while will carry out a holds survey later with C/O.
    b) Check the visitor’s logbook. If his name is not in there then kindly ask him to leave as he is not an unannounced visitor. Notify the Master.
    c) Take him to the Master and let him make whatever arrangements he deems necessary.
    d) Check his ID and record his name in visitor’s book. Call the C/E to make the necessary arrangements.
    e) Check his ID and luggage and take him to the Master.

    16. Passage planning and ships routeing is prepared as follow:
    a) From pilot to pilot.
    b) From berth to berth.
    c) From full away to stand by engine.
    d) As the captain says.
    e) Nothing from above.

    17. What is the meaning of maintaining a proper look out for bridge officers.
    a) Maintaining a continuous state of vigilance by sight and hearing as well as by all other available means, with regard to any significant change in the operating environments.
    b) Full appraising the situation and the risk of collision, stranding and other dangers to the navigation.
    c) Detecting ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks, debris and other hazards to safe navigation.
    d) Nothing of the above
    e) All of the above except No. d.

  16. Георгий71

    Георгий71 Зарегистрированный участник

    1) помогите ответить!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Before you drop the anchor how will you know that the vessel is stopped?
    a) Drop an empty plastic bottle in the water. If the relative movement of the bottle is the same as the vessels; then the ship is stopped and can drop the anchor.
    b) Reverse the engine until the wake of the water reaches the middle of the ship. Then it is safe to assume ship is stopped
    c) Check the Doppler effect speedometer. If is zero then ship is topped.
    d) All the above
    e) No. b & c

    2. You mark the anchor’s position:
    a) Taking the GPS reading at the time of dropping the anchor.
    b) Taking the GPS reading and adjust for the length of the vessel using hundreds of a degree.
    c) Taking the GPS reading and adjust for the length of the vessel and the heading at that time using hundreds of degrees.
    d) Using an anchor marking buoy and coordinates as per #3.

    3. If the only anchoring position is deeper than 30 mtrs how you let go the anchor.
    a) By releasing the brake.
    b) By lowering the anchor to the sea level disengage and releasing the brake.
    c) By lowering the anchor about a shackle on deck, disengage and let go keeping control of the speed by the brake.
    d) By lowering the anchor engaged all the way using the winch. By this I will ensure that the brake pads will not be damaged and I will have a firm control to the chain length paid out.

    4. When you open the hatch covers how many people is the optimum required.
    a) Just an AB for each one. The system is hydraulic.
    b) The AB and the Officer on watch.
    c) Two AB and the OOW
    d) All deck department.

    5. Vessel is heading to berth with no tugboats attached yet. During entrance to the port losses electrical power. There in much room ahead to maneuver. Mark correct actions to be taken.
    a) Call the engineers and ask to give steering and power immediately.
    b) Drop both anchors one shackle in the water and engage the brakes.
    c) Ask for the tug boats to proceed swiftly on port tariff towing arrangements.
    d) All of the above

    6. The 2/O entered into a partly loaded hold and the AB on watch observed him to make a few movements on the tanktop and fall down apparently unconscious. The AB calls the Master who comes very quickly. What is the proper action to save the 2/O life when every second counts to save his life.
    a) The Master with the AB. Rushes down the ladder to offer first aid.
    b) The Master asks the 2nd mate to bring the oxygen analyzer and check the environment inside the hold. Then asks to start ventilation and bring two SCBA and the fire brigade with small hospital O2 bottle and offer the first aid.
    c) The Master sends two Abs with a Robinson’s Stretcher to bring the 2/O up stairs to provide first aid in the open where there is plenty of space.

    7. A priest from the Mission to Seamen local chapel comes at the gangway and asks to see the Master. Mark the correct action for the gangway watchmen to do.
    a) Shows his way up.
    b) Records his name and shows his way up
    c) Records his name and carried out a full body search.
    d) Records his name gives him a security badge, calls the Master on the Radio to let him know he is coming up.
    e) Records his name and escorts him upstairs to the master.

    8. The weather is calm and a beautiful day. The Ship-owner will visit the vessel at the next port and the Master wants to keep him happy presenting him a good vessel. There some mechanical scratches on the black topsides and the Master order the crew to work outboard. Precautions to be taken.
    a) Wear safety harness
    b) Wear safety harness with buoyancy garments.
    c) As above but also to include a warning label that crew is working outboard position at the rails and in the bridge.
    d) Nothing of the above crew cannot work outboard at sea.

    9. You are at port of Bristol UK and MSA comes onboard for PSC. The inspection officer does not like the condition of the open lifeboat which is dirty with cargo remains. He goes on top and with a pocket knife starts digging in what he believes is a GRP blister. The escorting ship’s officer does the following.
    a) Say nothing but observes with fright that damage will be discovered and vessel will be detained.
    b) Ask him not to damage the lifeboat.
    c) Leaves and calls the Master.
    d) Takes his camera and record a video of the officer’s destructive testing. Tell the officer that this is for training and educational purposes.
    e) No b & #d.

    10. The port state control finds some valves of the dewatering system in the forecastle frozen. They detain the vessel and ask to make operational in order to release the vessel which is due to sail in a few hours. The valves are badly frozen and the only way to unfreeze is by torch. What actions should be taken?
    a) Get permission for hot work from the port authority and start heating.
    b) Get good ventilation, the necessary tools and with the fire extinguishers stand by start heating the valves.
    c) Check and remove the flammable materials from the area. Check behind bulkheads if there are any flammable materials then proceed as per a & d.
    d) As above but have the fire main under pressure and a hose running nearby with the fire brigade team stand by.

    11. Vessel is in the International corridor at the Gulf of Aden. It is a beautiful day and calm seas. The officer on watch sees a fishing boat at a distance approaching the vessel. What actions are the most appropriate?
    a) He transmits a PAN PAN DSC over the VHF channel 70.
    b) He transmits a Securite message then calls the Master.
    c) He check the surrounding are which is clear of other vessels. Turns the vessel away from the approaching boat. Flashes a mirror to the boat indicating that the are noticed. Starts the fire pump. Blows the ships whistle continuously.
    d) He calls the Master/SSO.
    e) Nothing of the above but keeps the course but observes the boat approaching fast.

    12. The engine cadet discovers a moderate fire burning in the poop deck store. The lights are open and there are mooring lines that burning but nearby there is an open can of grease. What action are the most appropriate.
    a) Run to the nearest fire alarm raise the alarm and take the nearest fire extinguisher and tries to extinguish the fire.
    b) Raise the fire alarm and close all door and ventilation to the store then go to the mustering station waiting for instructions.
    c) Take the water fire extinguisher and tries to extinguish the fire.
    d) Shouts out loud (Fire Fire) and take a foam extinguisher and tries to extinguish the fire.
    e) Shouts out loud (Fire - Fire in the poop deck) and obtains a dry powder fire extinguisher.

    13. When you ventilate a hold loaded with steel products.
    a) All the time since they will not catch mold like the grains.
    b) During a sunny day.
    c) When the dew point inside the holds is higher than the dew point out side.
    d) When the dew point inside is lower than the dew point outside the holds.
    e) When I see sweat inside the holds.

    14. Which of the below is the optimum surface preparation and paint coating.
    a) Hand chipping and scraping the surrounding area then paint one primer and two coats of paint.
    b) Hand chipping and scraping smooth the surrounding area, wire brushing as good it can be done and paint 2 coats of primer and three coats of paint, leaving one day between coats to dry.
    c) Power air hammer chiseling, then use an angular abrasive wheel to clean the area to mirror shine metal. Apply immediately one coat of primer, when it dries second coat of prime, when it dries first coat of paint then two more coats of paint one day apart
    d) Use water blaster, leave it for one day to dry then use three coats of paint one day apart.

    15. Good morning mate says the stranger just boarding the vessel at the port of Acajutla. I came on board to carry out bunkers and condition survey on behalf of the charterers. What actions are the most appropriate to take.
    a) Take him to the C/E and let them carry out a bunker survey while will carry out a holds survey later with C/O.
    b) Check the visitor’s logbook. If his name is not in there then kindly ask him to leave as he is not an unannounced visitor. Notify the Master.
    c) Take him to the Master and let him make whatever arrangements he deems necessary.
    d) Check his ID and record his name in visitor’s book. Call the C/E to make the necessary arrangements.
    e) Check his ID and luggage and take him to the Master.

    16. Passage planning and ships routeing is prepared as follow:
    a) From pilot to pilot.
    b) From berth to berth.
    c) From full away to stand by engine.
    d) As the captain says.
    e) Nothing from above.

    17. What is the meaning of maintaining a proper look out for bridge officers.
    a) Maintaining a continuous state of vigilance by sight and hearing as well as by all other available means, with regard to any significant change in the operating environments.
    b) Full appraising the situation and the risk of collision, stranding and other dangers to the navigation.
    c) Detecting ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks, debris and other hazards to safe navigation.
    d) Nothing of the above
    e) All of the above except No. d.

  17. Георгий71

    Георгий71 Зарегистрированный участник

    2) ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Under the International Grain code , what are the requirements for the loading of grain cargo?

    2. How would you stow a cargo of long length steel or railway irons?


    1. What actions should you take on receipt a distress signal?

    2. Where can you find details of agencies participating in search and rescue around the world?

    3. What actions should be carried out in case of M/E failure?


    4. Describe step by step the actions when you are changing over watch.


    2. What actions will you take if you see oil spill at sea surface?

    3. When vessel is proceeding for bunkers what is your duties?

    2. Describe some areas that are subject to cause fire.

    5. In case PSC inspection , name 10 points that in your opinion they will
    definitely checked during the inspection.


  18. Andriii9812

    Andriii9812 Новичок

    Добрый день!
    Такая ситуация: Я закончил курсы на матросов 2 класса в Керчи, но должа была быть еще практика 2 месяца, но после теории (4 мес) нам сообщили, что практика на буксире отменяется так как у них произошло расформирование флота или что-то в этом духе. Но на курсах сказали, что бы мы не беспокоились - практику 2 месяца всем напишем, что типа мы ее прошли. Так вот вопрос - подскажите - нужно ли мне как-то искать практику, чтобы хоть что-то понимать или же на больших судах в смешанном экипаже в первом рейсе мне все равно эта практика не поможет? Знакомые говорят, что те, которые практику проходили, если бы знали, что можно купить практику, то лучше купили бы так, как она совсем не поможет в первом рейсе. Это так?
    Заранее благодарен за ответ
  19. piligrim

    piligrim Активный участник

    Я худею. Пройти курсы и чтоб самим еще искать себе практику. Да напишут вам, что вы были на практике. Это не беда. Практика, на то и практика. Чтоб хоть чуть-чуть вникнуть в специфику работы. Кто хочет, тот будет заниматься своим самообразованием.

    Я когда был на практике, точнее числился. Был всего из 60 дней примерно дней 6-ть всего. Из них показали буксир-толкач (палубу, машинное отделение, форпик и афтерпик, каюты и мостик). Потом парни драили палубу. Готовили к покраске, ну естественно после замывки ее красили. Одним словом супер-мега практики как таковой не увидел. В общих чертах ознакомили, можно так сказать. Кто много говорил из сокурсников и огрызался батрачили ))) Кто молчал и выполнял - освобождался от драйки. Я хитрее поступил. Подошел к боцману, пообщался с ним. Он задал пару наводящих вопросов. Ответил на них. Ничего не платил боцману. Одним словом я чуток был в курсах где брашпиль, коменс, форпик и т.д.

    Если есть возможность купить практику - купите ее, но почитать о строении судна и его палубных механизмов и т.д. советую ознакомиться.
    А то на парахеде отмочите херню ввида не брашпиль, а рашпиль и будет у вас кликуха - рашпиль ))))

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